Jana Bahal or Janabahaa: also called Machindra Bahal dates back to 4th century BC but the temple at Janabahal was built by King Yaksha Malla in 1502 AD. The main deity residing in the temple is the Seto Machindranath also known as Janabaha Dyo, Aryavalokitesvara, Karunamaya.
Originally known as “Kanak Chaitya Mahavihar”, because of the chaitya of Kanakmuni Buddha in front of the temple, the courtyard began to be referred to as Jahabaha after the deity Seto Machindranath was mounted here.
This weekend our photowalk was at Janabahal and the neighboring streets of Ason. Here are a few selected photographs taken by the participants of photowalk, followed by a short video shot during event.
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Tom L Garrison
Great photos that is the tradition of your photowalks. The video is really cool lots of interesting effects and views
PhotoWalk Nepal
Thank you Tom! We have been taking videos during our photowalks for the past few months now.